Years ago when we started Lebmania, we provided Lebanese recipes, and we still do...
What spices should you use?
When we give you the recipe we sometimes mention the spices in Arabic.
Here is a list of the most commonly used spices and their names in Arabic and English.
We hope they will prove useful...

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Allspice Filful Franjy 7iloo
Anise Yansoon
Basil  7abak
Bay Leaves Warak Ghar
Caraway Karawyaa
Cardamom  7ab El Hel
Cayenne  Filful A7mar
Chili Powder Filul 7ar
Cinnamon  Kirfi
Cloves  Kibsh Krinful
Coriander  Kizbra
Cumin  Kamoon
Dill  shabath
Fennel  Shamra
Ginger  Zanjabeel
Juniper  3ar3ar
Marjoram  Mardakoush
Mastic   Mistke
Nutmeg  Jawzit El tybb
Parsley  Bakdouniss
Pepper  Bhar, Fulful
Rosemary  Eklil El Jabal
Saffron  Za3faran
Sage  Kas3in, Maryameyee
Savory  Za3tar el Bar (Barry)
Simak/Sumac Sumac
Tarragon  Tarkhoun
Thyme  Za3tar
Turmeric KarKem